All praise is due to the almighty ALLAH in whose infinite grace the development of information and technology in the shortest span of time has turned the whole world into one global village. Computer technology is a wonderful discovery of human civilization. This technology is the main helper for the improvement and progress of individuals, institutions, society, state and every field of the universe. Therefore, there is no substitute for better teaching in the classroom, technological development in the institution, timely decision making and use of information and communication technology in orderly management in order to adapt to the modern world civilization.
The importance of using computer and information technology in the teaching-learning method according to every sector of civilization is immense in implementing the commitment to build a digital Bangladesh. Due to the far-reaching plans of the Government of Bangladesh and the outstanding contribution in the use of information technology in education, various components of computer and multimedia are being adorned in almost every educational institution in Gramganj today. In order to make the teaching-learning system in educational institutions up-to-date and more effective and to ensure transparency and accountability, it is imperative for the institution to have its own website. To this end, Pallavi College has also launched its own website "www.pallabicollege.edu.bd" in the light of the circular of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Bangladesh.
Pallabi (Degree) College, established in 1993, is committed to fulfilling its goals and objectives, maintaining relations with various institutions in the modern world and the country, and above all, realizing the Prime Minister's dream of building a digital Bangladesh.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those involved in this initiative and its implementation.
Md. Mahbubur Rahman
B.S.S (Hon's) M.S.S
M.A (English)
Principal (Acting)
Pallabi (Degree) College