Historically, the part of an organization that managed hiring, firing, and interactions with employees from the standpoint of the company/corporation was called "The Staffing Department". Since then, humanity has begun to call them the "Human Resource Department", because humans, from the standpoint of a corporation, are merely resources to be managed as cattle, extracting as much knowledge, skills, and labour as possible, while still obeying local laws which get in the way of the efficiency of those goals. The separation of management from staffing in this fashion has disintermediated the moral and ethical connection between the employees and the humans actually running the corporation, allowing the corporation to steam headlong into more capitalistic profit, without the managing humans experiencing as much guilt or human connection to the human resources they indirectly command, for the good of the enactment of policy of the corporation. The next step will be to simply gain the ability to run a corporation with an initial amount of policy, and have artificially intelligent neural networks run the intermediary management through electronic messaging, alongside the electronically maintained Human Resource Department, extracting as much knowledge and patterns for the development of electronic intelligence capital, so that a corporation can exist, self-sustain, grow, and multiply, without having a single human being in charge, and gradually replacing the workforce it would be forced to maintain, with automation and deep learning algorithms and databases—thus will the human aspect of corporation resource utilization be unnecessary, and be allowed to starve to death in the streets, unable to pay any bills and electronically file their tax claims, while the automata in command of the beachhead of said corporations continue, without conscience or awareness, to implement the policy it was designed to perpetuate. This has been the goal of several corporations for a few years now, in creating products that allow deep learning algorithms easy implementation within customers' corporations for the purpose of meeting design goals in business-oriented tasks such as marketing or other measurable business metrics, albeit designed to be benign, are already replacing human management thinking after only a few years